5th Grade Reflections

Some thing’s I learned was…. algrbra, how to use context clues and how to make a book on an app on the iPad.

Some thing’s that I struggeled with was in tecnoligy when we had to do projects. Another thing that happened was when we had to learn music notes in music, and when we had to do hard hard science.

Some thing’s that surprised me was when Mr. Mac jumped on our desk, hit a ruler on our desk and asked up what caused sound, and when we watched parts of the movie HAllOWEEN

Some thing’s that disappointed me was when at Halloween we didn’t get to do things that previous 5th graders got to do, when i found out how many marks I got in the second 6 weeks, and when we had to do a graded assiment that I got a bad grade on.

Over Spring Break.

Over Spring Break I got to baby-sit my baby cousin. I tanned and I got to go to a lot of birthday partys for my friends. I got to play on my tramboline and I got to go to Great Wolf Loge. Over Spring Break  my family and I had a yard sell. I got to go to my dads and hang out at his house. I had an amazing Spring Break..
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My CHRISTmas Traditions

My CHRISTmas traditions are…….
  1. Make cookies for Santa and make notes for him and a BIG glasse of Milk
  2. Go to my grandparets house and open up our presents from them
  3. If we were gone and Santa came we will open our presents on CHRISTmas Eve
  4. CHRISTmas day we will have family come over and we will open our preaents from them
  5. I will go to my dads and have a Candle lght Servies for Jesus’s Birth

If you have any CHRISTmas Traditions leave a comment so I can see


This Weekend

This weekend I went to my dads house and I got to go to a baseball tournement and I got to go to my little sister Sadies Birthday Party. She had a prinsess one. I had a lot of fun at my dads.